There’s no reason you should know who Uli Huber is–or was. He’s dead. He was born on August 3, 1902, making him a Leo (if you care about such things) and he died in 1981. Before that, he was a student of F. H. Ernst Schneidler, one of the twentieth century’s great teachers of lettering and typography, and he spent his entire career as a graphic designer in Germany, working on posters, packaging, advertisements, logos, and one published postage stamp. He was also a prolific designer and maker of handmade cards for friends and family, and printed greetings sent to clients. In this more personal work we can see he had tremendous skills as a letterer, calligrapher, and illustrator. You’ll find no loyalty to a personal style in the work shown in our current exhibition. Uli Huber seemed loyal only to doing things well.

Greetings from Uli Huber, the first exhibition of Huber’s work in North America (and maybe the world), features over fifty handmade and printed cards, sketches, postage stamps, and original production artworks.

Get a guided tour (with twenty-nine or so other people) on March 13 »