[an envelope by Max Hertwig]


Coricide is a brand of adhesive plaster that treats corns, calluses, and blisters. We’re not sure what the Sahara has to do with anything, but there are a lot of feet in this illustration. So, we’re not entore sure what this is, but it appears to be an envelope or a package of some kind. But, more importantly, this is a nice example of work by Max Hertwig (1881–1975), a German graphic and type designer, and a protégé of F. H. Ehmcke

  • Size: 5.9 × 3 inches
  • Pages: 1 sheet
  • Binding: Some sort of folded envelope thing.
  • Condition: Good, but at some point this was mounted to something else and on the verso there the remnant of whatever this was removed from. But the front is where the action is.
  • Publisher: Unknown, no date