Our thirty-sixth Standing-Room Only Lecture will have Stephen Coles coming from the birthplace of the Popsicle to talk about prefab letterforms. Thousands of volumes have been written on typefaces and typography. And plenty, too, on lettering and calligraphy. But what about the stuff that lives in-between? Lots of the text we see around us is neither entirely handmade, nor strictly type. Letters sketched through stencils, engraved in metal or wood with a template, or prefabricated for use on buildings and gravestones. Stephen is fascinated with this hidden world of letterforms, and thinks you could be too.
Our speaker, Stephen Coles, is Editorial Director & Associate Curator at Letterform Archive in San Francisco. He also co-publishes Fonts In Use and Typographica.
Thirty tickets are available for $10 each.
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Date and Time
Monday, March 31 at 7p
Doors open at 6p for mingling.
Katherine Small Gallery
108 Beacon Street
Somerville, MA 02143 [map]
Tune in. Turn on. Chip in. Help out.
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Standing-Room Only Lectures aim to present short talks about graphic design, typography, and collecting. The lectures are kept to about twenty minutes because—true to its name—the series takes place in our standing-room only gallery. So, wear comfortable shoes and bring a short attention span.