Our twenty-first Standing-Room Only Lecture will have Gavin Morrison flying in from the Big D to discuss a different kind of type history. Since 2011, Morrison—in collaboration with the artist Scott Myles—has been taking impressions of the gravestones of type designers. The resulting archive forms an imprecise and erratic compendium of type design (and is part of our related exhibit). The talk will engage with the relationships that exist between the lettering on the gravestone and the type-designer’s own work; the voice of the gravestone; and reflect upon the nature of written memorials.
Our speaker, Gavin Morrison, is a writer, curator, and publisher in Dallas, Texas. He held a Research Fellowship at Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University, USA in 2017. From 2018 through 2020 he was the Director of Skaftfell – Center of Visual Art, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland. His work on these stones is the focus of our Design Brief No. 8.
Thirty tickets are available for $10 each.
Date and Time
Thursday, May 18 at 7p
Doors open at 6p for mingling.
Standing-Room Only Lectures aim to present short talks about graphic design, typography, and collecting. The lectures are kept to about twenty minutes because—true to its name—the series takes place in our standing-room only gallery. So, wear comfortable shoes and bring a short attention span.