[a letterhead from Techno-Lexikon für die Papierindustrie und das Buchgewerbe]
What can we say about this? We’re typing this on a Saturday and customers are here (thankfully)—but they are distracting us. We’ll keep this short: Here’s a letterhead from the Techno-Lexikon für die Papierindustrie und das Buchgewerbe, or, the Techno-Lexicin for the Paper Industry and the Book Trade in Leipzig. A nice business artifact from olden times.
- Size: 8.875 × 11.375 inches
- Pages: 1 sheet
- Binding: NA
- Condition: Dimpled and buckled
- Publisher: Techno-Lexikon für die Papierindustrie und das Buchgewerbe, no date but probably older than you