[a letterhead from Vereinigung der Freunde Deutscher Schrift]


What can we say about this? We’re typing this on a Saturday and customers are here (thankfully)—but they are distracting us. We’ll keep this short: Here’s a letterhead from Vereinigung der Freunde Deutscher Schrift—also known as the Association of Friends of German Type. A quick google suggests that this org was initially apolitical, but we’re not convinced they stayed that way. The text in black seems to advocate for using German type to reveal the German character at home and abroad. Sounds suspicious. Still, a nice thing.

  • Size: 8.625 × 11 inches
  • Pages: 1 sheet
  • Binding: NA
  • Condition: Dimpled and buckled, and with a pencil notation (Kl. which we think means it was printed at Klingspor) on the back. The scan shows discoloring, but we didn’t even notice that on the real thing until looking at the scan.
  • Publisher: Vereinigung der Freunde Deutscher Schrift, no date but probably older than you