[an unopened Emigre which we think is No. 12: Press Time!]


Here we have a copy of Emigre—but which issue? This copy was mailed to Steven Heller on September 7, 1989, and he never opened it. Judging by the date it was shipped and the fact Emigre 13 begins with a letter to Tibor Kalman dated August 18, 1989, and it seems unlikely that the letter was sent and the issue proofed, printed, and bound before shipping on September 7, we think this must be Emigre 12. Our x-ray machine is down, though, and we can’t be sure. We are sure, however, that the copy inside has never been read and it has a great provenance. 

  • Size: 11.5 × 17 inches 
  • Pages: Unknown for sure
  • Binding: An unopened box which we think holds a copy of Emigre 
  • Condition: A 36-year-old box that went through the mail and was never opened. We think the issue inside will be in good shape—but we make no guarantees.
  • Publisher: Emigre, 1989