The Painted Inscriptions of David Jones


Some day we’re gonna put together a show of David Jones lettering. Until then, this book will have to suffice. But no sacrifice will need to be made—because this book is loaded with his nutty lettering (and an authoritative and easy-to-read essay by Nicolete Gray). Largely a mixture of Welsh, Latin, and English, these pieces are best enjoyed for their formal qualities, rather than whatever he’s writing about. (In that sense they are much like Kenji Nakayama’s practice sheets.) Although Nicolete Gray wrote other articles about the lettering of Jones, this book collects all known examples—both personal and commercial. When we finally get to putting together that show about him, this book will be right by our side. (Because we have our own copy.) 

  • Author: Nicolete Gray
  • Size: 9.75 × 12.25 inches 
  • Pages: 114
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Condition: Fine, but lacks dust jacket.
  • Publisher: The Gordon Fraser Gallery, 1981