Lesen, Sehen, Wahrnehmen: Das Plakatschaffen von Armin Hofmann in 7 Gruppen


Spend twenty minutes with Armin and Matthias Hofmann. Father and son discuss Armin’s posters in seven groups. See, here, and watch two exceptional designers talk about design. Annoyingly rare and from the collection of Steven Heller.

  • Director: Matthias Hofmann
  • Cast: Armin Hofmann
  • Runtime: 21:13
  • Format: 2 DVDs. One has the movie three ways: No subtitles; German subtitles; English subtitles. The second DVD has the movie in Quicktime formats that we weren’t able to open or figure out. But the first DVD has everything we needed.
  • Producer: Matthias Hofmann, 2012