Visual Design of the User Interface (Edward Tufte)


About this one, Edward Tufte writes: “A long time ago for a long time I was corporate consultant for information and interface design at IBM. As a part of my effort to shape up Windows and OS/2, I wrote and designed a little 16-[page] booklet on interface design. The booklet was published in 1989, but thankfully it deals with timeless design principles and is not tied to the quirks and limitations of yesterday’s technology.” A rare bit of Tuftiana that covers information resolution, the interaction of design elements, color for the user interface, typography and icons, and design quality.

  • Size: 6.75 × 9.5 inches
  • Pages: 16
  • Binding: Saddle-stitch booklet
  • Condition: As new
  • Publisher: IBM Design Program, 1989