Posters: Jacqueline S. Casey


Is Jacqueline S. Casey our favorite Boston-based designer of posters? She might be. We’re sorry we never got to meet her. And we’re sorry we don’t have more of her posters for ourselves. (We just have one. We’re not sure where it is but we had it professionally photographed and we’re not sure where that file is either.) This book is one we cherish. (Or, our own copy anyway. [We know exactly where it is.]) A fascinating look at one MIT’s (and Boston’s [and the world’s]) design legends.

  • Editor: Dietmar Winkler
  • Size: 6 × 9.5 inches
  • Pages: 112
  • Binding: Softcover
  • Condition: Spine very slightly faded. Otherwise fine.
  • Publisher: The MIT Museum, 1992