American Quilts: The GE Gallery’s Bicentennial Show (Esther and Christopher Pullman)


Here’s a rare piece of Quiltiana, Americana, and Pullmaniana. This brochure was prepared for a 1976 exhibition of quilts collected by young Chris and Esther Pullman. The essay describes their account of collecting blankies and how they fit into American history. Includes descriptions of twenty-three designs and also serves as a reminder that we should tell Chris and Esther about the quilt dealer we met with the staff of Pod in a Cape Cod parking lot a summer or two ago. He’s since died, but it was a highlight of that summer. Anyway, life is not just graphic design. Sometimes it’s neat things collected by graphic designers. Scarce.

  • Authors: Esther and Christopher Pullman
  • Size: 11 × 11 inches 
  • Pages: 4
  • Binding: Single sheet of folded cover-weight stock
  • Condition: Aged and yellowed and curled.
  • Publisher: The General Electric Gallery, 1976