Here’s a magical little book of imaginary monograms for real people like Charlie Chaplin and Einstein and Brigitte Bardot, and not-real people like David and Goliath. Also, there is a joint emblem for Alcohol, Nicotine, and Morphine. Why? Why not? It was 1962 and this was a New Year’s book to celebrate 1963, published by the State Publisher of Fine Literature and Arts in Prague. These delightful graphic depictions were made by Jaša David, born in 1940. So he was still a kid when this was done. Too fun and just smart enough. We love this one. WorldCat shows not a single copy in the United States or Greenland.
- Author: Jaša David
- Size: 6.25 × 7.875 inches
- Pages: 48
- Binding: Softcover
- Language: Czech
- Condition: Fine—but there are a few leaves with creasing at the top, near the gutter. We can tell from the position that this would have occurred when the sheets were folded, so it’s the handy work of a sloppy machine-folding operator and not Father Time.
- Publisher: Státní Nakl. Krásné Literarury a Umění, 1962