Stamp-Designers-of-the-Month — Past

Lance Wyman

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Lance Wyman created commemorative postage stamps for some of the most historically significant events of the late twentieth century: Olympiads, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., the 1970 World Cup, the first manned landing on the moon, and the twenty-­fifth anniversary of the United Nations. Learn more »

Rosmarie Tissi

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Rosmarie Tissi is a Swiss designer—but not a typical Swiss designer. Born in 1937, her work is as rational and orderly as that of her compatriots—but is typically more human and relaxed, more colorful and round. Her two postage stamps are perfect specimens of this contrast. Learn more »

Erik Spiekermann

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Erik Spiekermann turns 72 on May 30—so we've assembled a modest showing of Dutch postage stamps by this award-winning German designer. How did a German come to design Dutch stamps? And isn't it unusual that more than one subject (in this case, more than one sport) would be featured on a single stamp? Learn more »

Hermann Zapf

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Hermann Zapf may have been the greatest type designer of the twentieth century, but he considered himself to be, primarily, a book designer. So, he was pretty good at his secondary pursuits. But what about tertiary pursuits such as designing postage stamps? Learn more »